Bonjour, je m'appelle Cécile. I was born and raised in France, spending most of
my childhood in Provence, in a village located between Marseille and Aix-en-Provence.
I attended the Lycée Paul Cézanne in Aix-en-Provence and graduated with the French Baccalauréat (the national high school diploma). After obtaining a Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) degree in Tourism, I was licensed as a National Guide-Interpreter in France. My work experience in Europe includes working in Paris as a tourist guide, in Rome, Italy, as an au-pair and in Manchester, England as a French teacher-assistant.
Since moving to the U.S. more than twenty-five years ago, I raised a family and completed a bachelor degree in business from the University of Minnesota. After moving to Indiana in 2000, I worked for four years at the before-school French program L'école française offered in the Zionsville elementary public schools. For nine years, I was a Montessori-certified elementary teacher at a local Montessori school. I have been teaching and tutoring French from my home for over ten years.
My three children and I travel to France as often as we can to visit my parents, siblings and childhood friends.